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FlexConnect Couplings and Adapters

Available in a variety of sizes, the FlexConnect line is a no adhesive way to couple and adapt PVC lines to one another. 3/4" is especially convenient in the HVAC industry for condensate line service or repair

Flexcon34-6 6 pack of 3/4" PVC COUPLINGS
Flexcon-BULK Box of 100 3/4" PVC COUPLINGS
FlexB-6 6 pack of 3/4" to 1/2" BUSHINGS
FlexCon1 1" COUPLING
FlexCon125 1.25" COUPLING
FlexCon150 1.5" COUPLING
FlexCon125150 1.25" to 1.5" ADAPTER
Flexcon2 2" COUPLING
Flexcon3 3" COUPLING
FlexCon23 2" to 3" ADAPTER

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